Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Pedestrian Crossing on Reckleford, Yeovil part 2

Work appears to be under way, lights have gone of the poles, the buttons still appear active and people are still crossing without a care in the world.
There is no real signage to state the obvious i.e. the crossing is not working.
The pavement at the bottom end of Goldcroft is blocked off by plant and vehicles parked on the double yellow lines. From the crossing side there was not much choice take to walking in the road up Goldcroft to avoid the hazards on the pavement and take your chance with the traffic. I am sure it will only get worse.

Pedestrians are directed between the Van and the arm of digger (Mind your head).

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Pedestrian Crossing on Reckleford

Pedestrian Crossing on Reckleford between Gold croft and Yeovil town centre is going to be closed in the from Monday 11th July for approximateley 3 weeks.

There is a map attached to the crossing showing a suggested alternate route. It suggests the best way to cross is use the crossing 260m down the hill!

I think folks will take their chance and cross just past the barriers adjacent to the Fire station. I certainly don’t advise that.

Not to sure how this will affect the traffic, long queues and will take for ever to get through Yeovil.
I am sure this has been planned by Somerset County Council with little thought for local residents and business.

Work has started but as yet is not affecting users of the crossing.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Steam on Preston Road Yeovil

A steam Roller having a Sunday afternoon drive down Preston Road Yeovil.